Home / Medicine / Doctors told why it is dangerous to wash down food with water

Doctors told why it is dangerous to wash down food with water

Медики рассказали, почему опасно запивать еду водой There are a number of reasons not to.

Drink water before, during, or after eating – possible or not? Opinions diverge nutritionists, but all of the loyal one is to drink water after eating is not necessary. We will explain why it is dangerous to wash down food with water and when it should be done.

Why is it dangerous to wash down food with water?

1. Washing down the food with plenty of water when you stretch the stomach wall. The result – next time you will need more food to satisfy your hunger than in the past.

2. When you wash down oily food, cold drinks, thereby you stop the digestive system. Cold drinks give a lower temperature fat solidifies. The exception is the dry food.

3. You also can not wash down food with sodas, sweet juices, dairy products (as is the meal, not the water).

4. Washing down the food with water you are diluting the stomach acid and compromise your digestion. Food begins to ferment inside of you. Hence – the feeling of heaviness and discomfort.

5. When the gastric juice is diluted with water, its bactericidal properties are reduced. Due to the normal functioning of gastric juice, dissolved Escherichia coli, Entamoeba histolytica and other infections.

6. When you wash down the food, every bite you swallow is 10 times more air. Because of this, there may be gases.

7. In the right food and enough fluids. For example, in vegetables, cucumbers and tomatoes – more than 95%, meat – 55-70%, bread 35%. Soup – single dish for water. Lunch in the form of popcorn, chips, crackers, and even hard boiled eggs without water, or vegetables – is unacceptable.

When to drink after a meal can and should be?

If you need to take food with water tell the body. It is unlikely you will want to drink a Cup of tea after the yogurt, but after cheese on toast – of course.

When we find ourselves at the Banquet table, abstinence from water could play against us. Because of the abundance of spices, fatty foods, smoked foods – the stomach wall are irritated, juice stands out in greater numbers.

What to drink during a meal?

Of course, you don’t drink after eating coffee, soda, beer and milk.

Meat can not drink milk, because lactose inhibits the absorption of iron from meat and calcium from cheese.

The same applies to alkaline mineralok (healing) and tea. Because of the tannin in its composition, slowing down the absorption of important minerals.

Sprinkle fish meat with lemon or drink citrus juice helpful. You will be well from rosehip tea and cranberry juice.

What not to do.

You cannot combine hot pilaf of lamb with champagne or other cold drink. Mutton fat hardens in your stomach, and slide it will be very difficult. This situation threatens the hospital bed. Pilaf with meat is better to drink warm tea. Do at home meals.

Listen to your body, it will tell you how to do it better. Be healthy!

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