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Doctors told the bread is useful for diabetics

Медики рассказали, какой хлеб полезен диабетикам Experts have called the most wholesome bread for diabetes patients.

People suffering from diabetes, you must carefully approach the selection of bread.

Bread is often the most important and used product in the human diet. However, he may also be the product of, bringing irreparable harm to the body and health in General. In particular, this applies to people with diabetes. They must carefully approach the selection of bakery products. Nutritionists have called several types of bread and its products that will be useful for diabetics.

Experts believe that to reduce the impact of bread on blood sugar levels is to Supplement their diet with products such as linen grain, Chia seeds, wheat bran, oats. Diabetics should pay attention to the whole-wheat bread enriched with fibers. That is fiber-enriched foods will help to control the sugar level in the blood.

Also useful would be multi grain bread sandwich. It is made from whole, raw grain, rich in carbohydrates, reduces the blood sugar. To add variety in the diet, diabetics can be used for sandwiches or just as a replacement for bread low-carb tortillas, or tortillas

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