Home / Medicine / Doctors told how to choose sun protection for your skin type

Doctors told how to choose sun protection for your skin type

Медики рассказали, как выбрать солнцезащиту для вашего типа кожиExperts told how to choose sunscreen.

Sunscreen protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, which is carcinogenic to humans and causes cancer. Cream will save from the harmful effects of sun rays and protect against premature aging, age spots and wrinkles.

Every day we are exposed to UV radiation, which is why sunscreen should be an integral part of the daily skin care. For best results, you have to find the remedy with the most suitable formula. Listen to the advice of professionals and choose a sunscreen which is perfect for your skin type.

For oily skin: Choose a cream marked oil-free. In addition, pay attention to sunscreens. Physical filters sunscreen (such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide), usually quite heavy for the skin. Therefore it is best to make a choice in favor of the lighter sunscreens with chemical filters that contain active substances, avobenzone and oxybenzone.

For combination skin: If you’re worried about Shine in the T-zone, choose a sunscreen for oily skin. In any case, focus on your preferences: if you like a denser creams – notice on remedies for dry skin, and more light – preferring remedies for oily skin.

For dry skin: Look for creams with a more dense consistency. They should contain moisturizing ingredients like glycerin and ceramides.

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