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Debunked five myths about traffic

Развенчаны пять мифов о дорожном движенииExperts debunked five major myths prevalent among motorists.

We offer you five popular myths that mislead motorists and pedestrians.

The first myth

To get to the destination faster, if you constantly transitions from one row to another.

Lovers threat of reception of movement, referred to as “swords”, almost save your time, constantly changing the band on the road. In fact, this “savings” is around 2-3 minutes for one hour.

The second myth

If you carefully look for a Parking space, then there will always be more “comfortable” position

If You, for example, chose to Park closer to the entrance to a large shopping center, according to statistical observations, the first available location closest to the secret entrance to exit, than that You spent the time.

The third myth

The more roads, the less congestion

On the one hand, logical, but incorrect opinion. More infrastructure has always attracted a large number of financially secure people. Over time in these areas, they will purchase new vehicles, and thus, the number of traffic jams will rise to the familiar.

The fourth myth

Zero ppm, is the key to reducing the number of accidents

Oddly enough, but it’s not. According to statistics, completely sober drivers get into accidents more often than those who allowed themselves to drink the permitted limit alcohol.

The fifth myth

The emergence of “smart” cars reduce accident figures

Statistics are eloquent. The emergence of such systems like ABS and other “helpers” drivers does not reduce the number of road accidents. The best “assistant” to the person behind the wheel is his accuracy and judgment.

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