Home / Medicine / Daily consumption of this drink helps to reduce weight

Daily consumption of this drink helps to reduce weight

Ежедневное употребление этого напитка способствует снижению весаIf coffee add a special ingredient, to control calories no longer have.

If the question helps you of losing weight only counting calories, you might not like this news: Branding Andy (Andy Brunning, chemistry teacher and the Creator of a hack site where he explains how simple chemical reactions can be useful in everyday life, says: a pinch of salt can relieve you from the need to add sugar, milk or cream in coffee, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Telegraph.

For each rate of salt has its own: depending on the type of coffee that you used to cook, and the amount of water in which you do it. Find the optimal balance – and your morning Cup of coffee will not contain excess calories.

Experts have found that to uncover the rich coffee flavor and remove the bitterness in a Cup is enough for about half of a standard bag of salt.

Previously, dieters were advised to add in coffee, butter or vegetable extract of the olive tree.

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