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“Crystal clear movies”: film critics appreciate the “Icebreaker”

On the big screens started large-scale movie Nicholas Khomeriki “Icebreaker” based on real events. Painting with Peter Fedorov, Sergei Puskepalis and Alexander PAL in the lead roles tells the story of the crew of the icebreaker “Mikhail Gromov”, who in 1985 was caught in the ice trap and drifted for 133 days off the coast of Antarctica.

“Crystal clear movies”: film critics appreciate the “Icebreaker”

Anna Sotnikova: “the chamber Set of human stories, played out in the abstract space of permafrost” Khomeriki from someone else’s script routinely cuts off the excess, the maximum trying to make alien — and alien to themselves — the material his own. He tries to crystallize the situation: icebreaker stuck anywhere in the middle of nowhere, with no options of communication with the world; the endless corridors of a Soviet ship, where all the time, twist, “Diamond hand” and play guitar “Time to eat, and no money” of group “Cinema”— all this is a world so close to the aesthetics of a graduate of French film school Khomeriki. Very abstract, but filled with painfully specific events. Of course, their ideas Khomeriki have to bother with drawn on the computer action scenes, of course, he tries to keep the momentum of the blockbuster — to hide in a multimillion dollar “Russian Titanic” very much an experimental movie would be too radical. But, making the space of this metaphysical blockbuster and package it in a chamber of human history, he makes really smart, solid and crystal clear movie stuck in the ice tough guys”.
“Icebreaker”. Trailer # 2
Stanislav Rostotsky: “something familiar and present” In the situation of “Icebreaker” Nikolay Khomeriki (whose previous pictures were designed, to put it mildly, in a different tone) so organically, with such physically feel quite happy to have used to the image of the protagonist of the “Cap” of Vladimir Voinovich, the writer on the good people Rachlin that nothing but delight and tenderness it can cause. Despite the size and obvious drama, “the ice breaker” seems like a movie, first and foremost, incredibly charming and extremely cozy. And at many different, sometimes unexpected and very subtle levels.”

Still from the film

Sergei Sychev: “the Film is about men with a strong character”
Blockbuster, which opens in Russian cinemas, talks about those who saved, and those who appeared in the ice and preparing for death, not knowing whether it will manage to survive the following day. Let’s not forget that when “Vladivostok” held a press conference in New Zealand, “Mikhail Somov” for four months drifted in the ice, which, of course, the reason for a separate story. (…) It is an expensive drama about men with strong character and strong passions, and even about dirty political games, although this topic was given only a dotted line”.
“Movie Moments.” “Icebreaker”
Boris Ivanov: “This is not a heroic painting glorifying the Soviet era,” the Real story of the captivity of the Antarctic ice-breaker “Mikhail Somov” (in the movie it was renamed the “Michael Gromova”) can be told in two ways. You can maintain a narrative in the heroic key, and you can select the ugly side of this trip and focus attention on them. Because our film is used to “wet” the Soviet era, not to praise her, “Icebreaker” chose the second option, albeit with a small admixture of the first. In other words, it’s not a heroic story, and the story of a not particularly competent people who go to Antarctica, stuck in ice, could not achieve the rescue operation (the USSR was then the government’s shift change, and the big boss was not before), and then miraculously released. However, a certain heroism they showed, but it was more desperate, sometimes stupid things, but not intelligent, the wise heroism of true Arctic professionals.”
Stills from the film “Icebreaker”
Natalia Grigorieva: “Icebreaker – miniature revolutionary Russia”
Here the past is marked not only by the time signs like thick sweaters worn by the explorers, and the movie “the diamond arm”, which they look around the circle (first because they like then – because nothing more) in a makeshift ship’s theater. He “Mikhail Gromov” becomes a miniature model of revolutionary Russia. Left without means of communication and not knowing anything about rebuilding the sailors telepathically pick up the General mood of the people listed on Board, like a virus, by helicopter, with the pilot humming the songs of Tsoi (PAL). This simple metaphor are not so bad, the viewer, in the end, do not have to bother thinking about why the ice breaker left to drift for four months, and to multiply the duration of the scene.”
“Icebreaker”. Trailer No. 1

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