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Military from Voronezh was killed by a sniper in Syria

Sergeant Anton Erygin was fatally wounded by a sniper’s bullet in Syria when he was there on a business trip. The military were engaged in laying cable in Palmyra. According to relatives of the deceased Russian military, a bullet from a sniper rifle hit him in the head. The doctors …

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In Chechnya burned native hut

Officially such things are frowned upon – even in our country. But if you put your hand on your heart – who can blame some unknown who set fire to the houses of terrorists? At the household level most think, and InterMedia and say out loud that, say, right, so …

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Chronicle of the Russian hunting books

141. Sabaneev L. P. Hunting calendar. Reference book for rifle hunters and hounds. Second edition, altered and considerably augmented. With 480 Fig. in the text. M., 1892, XII+LXXVIII+470+117+114+IV+38 p., 5 RUB., 8°, 2400 copies. L. P. Sabaneev was not one of those people who rests on its laurels, so a …

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In Lviv, the teenager took video of his suicide

Fifteen-year-old teenager committed suicide by throwing himself under a train in the Lvov region. May 11 at 3 a.m. passenger train Kyiv – Ivano-Frankivsk ran into a guy at the train station “Pidzamche”, according to local police. 15-year-old resident of Lviv came to the railway track at night and recorded …

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The helicopter fired at neighbors Poroshenko at Kiev

The house of the neighbors of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in the village of Kozin near Kiev fired from a helicopter by unknown. About it informs television channel TSN. The house belongs to the family of the spouses-businessmen Vladimir Kosterin and Natalia Zhilina. According to eyewitnesses, a large …

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Why some Nations have such strange eating habits

Columnist for BBC Future decided to find out why some people like the food that the other is disgusting. When I was in Shanghai, I used to ignore single alley that lay in my way to the subway. There has always been terrifying, just an impossible stench – as if …

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