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Fishing – always a holiday

Hard to find someone who likes to travel, and fisherman, who travels without a fishing rod. So when we are talking about a business trip to Chicago (and this was in September last year), I first thought of a possible STI it is interesting to go fishing. Forgive me, my …

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About the dangers of refined oil. Without emotion. Just the facts.

“Let your food be medicine”. Hippocrates Through food is very simple to manage the company. Taste preferences make a person weak and dependent. Control over core products, without exaggeration, gives control over the ideology of the society. Today about product killer, which is actively promoted and almost universally used. Talking …

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In Russia created especially for tank combat in the city

This machine may be interested in a number of middle Eastern countries. Upgraded T-72 tank, which is intended to conduct urban combat, was presented by the Russian manufacturers at the international exhibition in Kazakhstan. The main difference from the classic T-72 — enhanced protection, bullet-proof cabin for firing the machine …

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Three days of coastal jig

On the last three trips to the Volgograd reservoir (jig from shore) conducted some experiments on the size and color of lures. Sensation did not happen, but it was not boring. Honestly I tried to mount the bait with the two crown rings. Out of five attempts, and the mass …

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Fishing – walking distance

To go fishing before dawn, gathered in advance, to throw the rod on the dawn is, of course, perfect! But not always… And then comes to the rescue of the house closest to the pond, to which reach. Here you can spend a couple of hours with your favorite hobby. …

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Perch for bait

To catch perch using float snap-in is not less interesting than spinning. Now, in the period of the ban, after the fish spawn in most waters, it’s time to try. It will be about fishing in conditions when the bass are not very many and it is not large, because …

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Petro Poroshenko put an unexpected diagnosis

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, at least initially, and knows that telling the truth, but pretends that he believes in what he says to others. This at a press conference in Kiev, said the head of the national Institute of policy analysis and management Ruslan Bortnik. According to the expert, …

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