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Seems ridiculous, but people buy flats of 20 sq meters

  No sooner had the people to dissolve the memes and songs the words of Medvedev in the Crimea, as his Deputy Igor Shuvalov throws a new topic.While in Kazan, he saw the house built for immigrants from dilapidated housing.Said following the inspection of the following: — We showed today …

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Fishing below the dam

As soon as the arrival in the river of melt water, from this moment until the end of spring tide different fish migration occurs in search of the most comfortable and safe habitat, and plots of the upcoming spawn. Also the course fish on the river sometimes in the summer, …

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What is eaten by the haters of the Soviet Union. Sausage “Doctor”

Sausage “Doctor”, production factory “Ostankino”. Composition (in parentheses is our transcript):vegetable protein (imported genetically modified soya),milk powder (imported, cheap, probably from China),starch (filler, water absorbent),wheat fiber (low-quality flour, a filler, a water absorbent), stabilizers (E-407, E-410, E-412, E-415 (necessary so that the dough is thick and does not leak from …

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Nutritionists: plant-fat diet will help to lose weight

Eating foods of plant origin, rich in fats, helps reduce weight. This was stated by British scientists. The study was brought about 7,5 thousand volunteers suffering from type II diabetes. Most of the participants were overweight. For the past five years 35% of the volunteers ate in accordance with the …

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Modern technologies of the information war against humanity

Currently, information, awareness technologies develops special methods served by special addresses, make us believe in their unbeaten algorithms… Propaganda is as old as the world, today’s attention to her due to the fact that in our time, involved new technology, which often relies on a fundamentally different technological support. During …

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