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The head of VTB said about the threat of Russian banks abroad

The head of VTB Andrei Kostin believes that Russia’s banks abroad will try to cause damage. He stated this during the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF), said on Saturday, June 18, TASS. According to the banker, now in the Russian financial institutions overseas use a rather rigid approaches. Kostin …

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Elizabeth II joked about his health

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II during a visit to Northern Ireland was joking about his health, reports The Telegraph. In Hillsborough castle in Belfast met monarch with Deputy first Minister Martin Machinescom. The politician greeted 90-year-old Queen asked how she was doing. “Anyway, I’m still alive,” replied Elizabeth II. McGuinness added …

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Russian banks are switching EN masse to a new payment system

To the national payment system “the World” joined the order of hundreds of Russian banks. This, speaking at the St. Petersburg international economic forum, said the Director of the NPCs (national payment card system Vladimir Komlev. Recall that the system began to be implemented from mid-2014. He noted that after …

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The head of Tinkoff Bank predicted sector “earthquake”

After the change of generations Bank market is waiting for a radical restructuring, says Chairman of TCS Bank Oliver Hughes. The opinion he expressed at the St. Petersburg international economic forum, reports video News Service. “As soon as the Millennials reach critical mass, the banking system, waiting for the earthquake,” …

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Moose in the season of migration

After the spring came into its own and the temperature established rather stable, in our Leningrad region for summer pastures began to move the moose. This time of year they can be found almost everywhere. Especially on the roads in the spring and early summer, drivers should be especially vigilant. …

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VTB will get rid of the stock football Dynamo

The head of VTB Andrey Kostin has told that the company before the end of the year for a nominal fee will give a stake of the Moscow football club “Dynamo” Central Council. His words on Thursday, June 16, leads TASS. “”Dynamo” — a failed project from the point of …

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