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SBI: whether to wait for changes?

7 June 2016 in Moscow at the bench Shooting sports complex, the SBI held a regular report-election conference of Military hunting society — Russian sports public organization (SBI, LLC). It was elected new composition of the Central Board of SBI-OSOO and

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Can get cold under the air conditioner?

Can get cold under the air conditioner? “With the onset of heat people were divided into those who are hot and those who are blowing” is the truth of our everyday life. Air conditioning is a wonderful invention, allowing us to better endure the heat. However, there is a perception …

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“Robin hood” Russia will become a small business

The interesting results of a poll regarding the situation in Russia has shared with the public, “Levada-center”. The tension between poor and rich Russians perceives 76% of respondents; 82% of respondents stated that stratification may be a source of serious problems in the future; 41% of respondents already today considers …

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The Russians will teach small businesses

The Ministry of education and science in 2017 will be presented for more General developmental programme on the creation of small businesses and entrepreneurial activities. To use it will be institutions of secondary professional and higher education. The program will include educational modules for the formation of business ideas, developing …

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“Alpha” vs “Navy seals”

The Western media made a rating of the eight of the strongest forces in the world Recently, the Swedish newspaper Expressen has published a ranking of the eight of the strongest forces in the world, which was the American edition of Business Insider. The places were distributed as follows. On …

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We must fight

Read the article by Edward B. Suggest not to bother”. It is a call to the support of lawlessness. For your rights you need to fight and defend them in all lawful ways… To make dimensionless thieves bureaucracy clearly do not violate the basic law of the Russian

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Sex every day brings health benefits

We all know that sex gives a positive, and it is an incentive to perform them daily. Especially if you’re with a man who is willing to experiment and embodiment of their own fantasies. So, let’s what is so useful to daily sex. Getting rid of stress. Sex relieves stress, …

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The IMF has identified the main risk to the global financial system

Deutsche Bank, the largest private Bank in Germany, carries the largest risks for the global financial system. This opinion was expressed by analysts of the International monetary Fund (IMF) in another report, “Financial System Stability Assessment”. “Among the global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) Deutsche Bank more all increases systemic risks, …

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The date of start of trip-Fyodor Konyukhov on the balloon

Start round-the-world flight of a Russian traveller Fyodor Konyukhov on the balloon is scheduled for July 2. About this Tape.<url> reported at the headquarters of the project on Wednesday, June 29. Designed by experts from the UK balloon to a height of 60 meters and weighing 10 tons with a …

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