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Chocolates Kinder found dangerous substances

Experts of the organization for the protection of the rights of consumers Foodwatch found in chocolate Kinder carcinogens. About it writes The Independent. According to the publication, in the products of the chocolate maker was discovered the so-called aromatic mineral oils (MOAH), which are formed during oil refining. Dangerous excess …

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The influence of smell on the bite

Due to the reduction of a livestock of a fish and because of the fierce competition among fishermen modern fishing is almost impossible without the introduction of the bait and even the nozzle of attractants and flavors that attract a particular fish in place of fishing. The use of such …

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Muslims around the world celebrate Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr is celebrated by Muslims around the world. This holiday, which is also known as Eid al-Fitr is one of the most important in Islam. It marks the end of fasting month of Ramadan. In fact, Eid al-Fitr is the holiday of breaking the fast. The tradition originates from …

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In EN route from Ukraine to Moscow bus discovered grenades

Employees of the border Guard service in the Bryansk region found in the bus, EN route from Ukraine to Moscow, grenades. Forbidden cargo was transported through the checkpoint “Troebortnoe”. On Wednesday, June 22, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the control. Two f-1 grenades and RGD-5 grenade and fuses them …

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Why Prokhorov sells assets

GESHEFT Why Prokhorov sells assets GESHEFT – business case business; a profitable business (usually with a touch of disapprovingly or ironically).   Modern dictionary of Russian language Ephraim Expert assessment: Mikhail Delyagin, Anatoly Wasserman The group “ONEXIM” Mikhail Prokhorov is selling all assets belonging to it. On Monday, July 4, …

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In Belarus

Finally, domestic stars got up into some intricate shape, allowing diatomaceae holidays away from home and move out at least for a couple of days of “..unwashed…” in Belarus. Coffee yield, coffee maker premastering in operating position, shipped gifts to relatives – and about noon we started with the Taganka. …

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Fast food for polar bears

How to go on an expedition with Mike horn and stay alive Elena Kiseleva, PR Manager at Business Relations, and Maria Baranova, host of radio “Moscow Pravda”, met at the journalism faculty of Moscow state University. Both were selected in the international expedition of the famous Explorer Mike horn: Lena …

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Ex-wife Sechin will be engaged in the production of canned meat

Marina Sechin, the ex-wife of the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin, she became a co-owner of Paritet, OOO Vyatka, specializing in the production of canned and finished meat products, reports the newspaper “Kommersant”. According to “SPARK-Interfax”, the company appeared in April of this year . The owner of Paritet, OOO …

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