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I’ll be a fool

A colleague at work this morning told me an amazing story. His stepson 19 years old, who all his school life twisted dogs tails with the connivance of his current wife, caught through connections to the University and successfully escaped from it during the winter session, went this spring to …

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The girls also want to kiss

THE GIRLS ALSO WANT TO KISS(Today is world kiss day) Sporty guy, arriving on the beach and immediately noticed that the rescuers work there are pretty girls. And he immediately had a plan like them to kiss. In General, he decided to play a trick on them. Swimming away from …

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What secret astronauts

In the Soviet movie “Return from orbit” is a curious episode. In a train compartment — two men. Radio report on the launch of the spacecraft. — Well, again! — exclaims the first man. — Think of it, flew for a week and already heroes! Came back, and all of …

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At the Istanbul airport Ataturk, two explosions occurred

At the airport of Istanbul Ataturk which is the largest in the country, two explosions occurred. On a scene has arrived, dozens of police cars and ambulances. According to preliminary data, there are victims. Eyewitnesses reported about shooting inside the terminal, prior to the explosions, reports CNN Turk. Journalists clarify …

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They saw the elephant and his mother dying in the mud…

Zapovednik staff usually do not intervene when animals die naturally within their habitat. But this day they just couldn’t stand by and watch the dying mother elephant and her cub. African elephant dragged into a deep liquid mud lake in Zambia. When the baby’s mother saw that she fell and …

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