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“Unusual” floats

Some forms of floats have become so classic that the appearance of a particular design that is different from the “spindles”, “drops” or “channel”, is perceived as a window dressing. Experience shows that if the float is of an unusual design mass-produced, on good hardware, of good materials, it is …

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And it’s summer!

Raw wind, smelling of the North, the monotone of the rain on the roof, sweep across the sky scraps of gray and ragged clouds. It seems that all the autumn came unexpectedly and forever. The morning will open and washed clean by rain the sky is still blue with the …

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With a short rod

Among the anglers have long formed a stereotype that the longer the rod the farther and committed cast with a float snap-in, the bite will be better, and catch weight. This may be true, but only at certain times, for example, in the fall when the fish far from coastal …

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On the margins of history: how the mob justifies dictators

If you can say and do terrible things, if expanding the official political vocabulary and the language of hatred is also becoming commonplace – there is a revolution of the inhabitants, and on the foreground the leaders of the populists, who transformed from marginal to mainstream. Brünnhilde Pomsel was a …

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Deposits in Russia continue to fall

Interest rates on retail deposits in Russia, the fall in 2016, as in the previous 2015 rates above the rate of inflation. However, due to the decline in profitability to take advantage of this favorable at first glance, the situation will not many, because this year there is every reason …

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In Moscow, unknown robbed a Bank on 1,5 million roubles

In the South-West of Moscow unknown stole from the Bank branches 1.5 million rubles, reports RIA “Novosti” with reference to the press service of the MIA. It is noted that the robbery happened the night before, however, it has become known only now. “Unknown openly stole 1.5 million rubles from …

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Photo Essay: Sviazi

  Wigeon (Anas Penelope) is bright in all senses of the genus river ducks. This is a very successful and widespread in the Northern hemisphere, but very little “urban”, preferring a wild area for their habitat. But sometimes these ducks can be found in the parks. Sviazi on my images …

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