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Big fish Kukan

In the period of open water is practiced many ways of fishing aimed at catching large fish, for storage of which the majority of fishing net cages is not strong enough. Also surround SADC is very difficult to move around the body, if, for example, fishing with a spinning or …

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In the upper course of Vishera

First Jun opened the summer on the Urals Vecherkom furiously and mercilessly. The blinding ball of the sun climbed over the wall Tulymsky stone and began to glow pale green foliage with a stiff ultraviolet. Birds have lowered the volume songs of praise the sun. Nature froze in anticipation of …

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Created apocalyptic game about Crimea

The game is set in a post-apocalyptic remnants of the Crimean Peninsula.Steam was released Krai Mira ( “the Edge”, in tune with the English name of Crimea, Crimea – Ed.) The action which takes place in the distant future in 2061 year – on the remnants of the Crimean Peninsula. …

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There’s no second chance

As Fyodor Konyukhov and his team spend the last hours before the start On the tarmac in the Australian Northam began the pre-start fever — July 12, around seven in the morning local time (two hours nights in Moscow), the Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov will travel round the world flight …

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Technique Kvacany

As I have said in the past your essay, in my practice of catching catfish on Kwok tried a lot of Kwok. It happened that I was unable to work some Kwok, a friend they worked quite well. This suggests that the technique of Kvacany individual. However, you can still …

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In the house Shakro Young found two PM and f-1 grenade

The FSB and Ministry of internal Affairs found and withdrew two Makarov pistol and a hand grenade f-1 during the search of the suburban house of the detainee kingpin Zakhary Kalashov nicknamed Shakro Young. On Tuesday, July 12, RIA Novosti said a source in law enforcement bodies. According to the …

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