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Konjuhovu had to urgently leave the gondola

Fyodor Konyukhov, who makes a trip around the world in a balloon, “Morton”, in the night of Sunday, July 17, was in the area of strong turbulence with zero visibility, and then down came the valve to bleed excess pressure in the oxygen tank. The pilot had on an emergency …

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When shooting in Alma-ATA killed two police officers

Two policemen were killed in a shooting near the building of Department of internal Affairs Almalinsky district of Almaty. About it reports on Monday, July 18, Reuters. The Ministry of internal Affairs declared the beginning of the city’s counter-terrorism operations. In Alma-ATA introduced the highest level of “red” terrorist threat, …

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URGENT: IN Alma-ATA began anti-terrorist operation

          Police in Almaty after the shooting in the city announced the antiterrorist operation, citizens call for vigilance. “In this regard, we ask everyone not to leave their homes, to avoid places of a mass congestion of people. All suspicious persons immediately report to law enforcement …

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Brexit killed the real estate market of Britain

Despite all attempts by the authorities to mitigate the effect of Brexit, of the UK property market began to crumble, and quite rapidly. In the first days after the referendum on the British exit from the EU has begun to receive reports about the closure of large and small real …

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Secrets of silent hunting

Of course you can just hope on luck, but as we all know, in this case variable and therefore it is best to turn to the centuries-old folk experience and go on a quiet hunt almost certainly. AND GOD AND PEOPLE KNOWS From time immemorial, people believed that nature has …

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A phone call will empty your Bank account

  Call from the Bank may be not from the Bank Photo: Fotolia/hppd Not so long ago we talked about the ways in which criminals lure in unsuspecting user verification codes. As a result, the fraudsters can transfer money from mobile phone account. But progress does not stand still: subscribers …

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Remember the rules of the hot summer

  It’s another abnormally hot summer. And with it emerged the problem is not only health and survival in conditions of severe heat. Do you personally remember the rules of the hot summer? How do you survive it, that was not excruciatingly painful thrombosis, pressure drops and many other impacts …

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Unusual hotel in the caves of the stone age in Italy

Located in the Sassi di Matera, a city in southern Italy, Sextantio Le Grotte Della Civita is the only hotel in the world, which is located in the caves of the Neolithic period. Here you will find 18 rooms of caves, renovated, but has retained its unique shape, initial situation. …

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Service “Child rent” for childless couples.

  To feel the taste of the dish, it needs to try. To feel it, and with it the need to live. And if you want to understand whether you child is to use the “Child rent”. Very accessible, very clear and very helpful. I’m sure this service will find …

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