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Obama: America will continue to invest in global development

Whoever becomes the next President of the United States, he must continue to participate in key global initiatives in the field of development, to “keep the momentum” after significant achievements. This opinion was expressed by President Barack Obama, reports “Voice of America”. “Whoever becomes the next President, development must be …

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The town of permafrost and hot asphalt

Yakutia is primarily known as the birthplace of the mammoth, precious stones and, of course, as one of the coldest places on Earth. The Republic’s capital, Yakutsk, is possible not to consider the “traditional” parties — in winter and in summer. In summer the city is transformed: is 50 degrees …

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Ex-girlfriend husband Pelageya wants to sue him in court

Instagram Singer Pelageya and hockey player Ivan Telegin month ago secretly got married in Moscow. Their marriage was a complete surprise for many, especially for the ex-wife of the athlete, model Eugenia Nour recently born him a son. https://www.instagram.com/evg_nour/ She says that during her pregnancy everything was perfect and the …

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To catch and cage!

In mid-summer, often there are prolonged periods of hot weather, which leads to overheating, not only air, but water. But fishing at this time does not stop because peace-loving fish, with large, warm water is fed very actively due to the accelerated process of digestion. Despite the heat and difficult …

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