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Who is behind the missile programme of the DPRK

Missiles North Korea has become a favorite media bogeyman the rest of the world. Around this theme stranded a lot of myths, exaggeration, propaganda and sometimes outright lies. What are the real successes of the North’s rocket, as they were made and who helped them in mastering such complex technologies? …

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Named as slow genetic aging exercise

Scientists from Belgium and Germany experimentally proved that fasting and exercise endurance prevent the imminent shortening of telomeres and therefore slow the aging process. A study published in the journal Science Advances. In the first stage of experiments, geneticists have analyzed the end portions of human chromosomes and found protein …

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Anna Sedokova ceased to hide a new lover

instagram.com Anna Sedokova is one of the most beautiful and sexiest singers of the Russian show-business. The beauty had many suitors and behind the two marriages. A few months ago, Anya broke up with dancer Sergei Guman, with whom the singer was in a serious relationship. According to Ani, the …

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In Belgium and the United States bloomed corpse flowers

Corpse flowers have bloomed in the National Botanical garden of Belgium and the new York Botanical garden. While in Belgium, the highest flower in the world was even longer — more than 2.5 meters. New York blooming corpse flower is a very important event, as the Amorphophallus titanum bloomed at …

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The best underwater locations for tourists

Under the waters of seas and oceans is many spectacular attractions. The American travel magazine Conde Nast Traveler have identified the most beautiful underwater sights in the world. Explorer edition notes that the world is full of interesting sights, but do not forget about the places under the waters of …

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Physics in breaking the deadlock

In 1905, Einstein wrote his famous Special Theory of Relativity” (SRT). This theory (due to the efforts of Zionists) become a “true criticism which in physics is seen as blasphemy, as comestwo. For criticism of STO you can get in a psychiatric hospital. I’m not exaggerating, not kidding. In 1964 …

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About the obesity epidemic in the United States

Imagine a country in which there are no restrictions on the sale of alcohol. At each station, on every busy bus stop there are stalls where they sell vodka in the glass — office workers running around there in the afternoon to ustakanitsya in the middle of the day. Actively …

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