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The Trip Geneva-Lyon-Marseille-Cote D’azur-Geneva

I want to share my feelings on one-storey of France. Perhaps someone here can gain useful information before traveling to this wonderful country. First, the route that we have mastered over 5 days: Geneva-Lyon-Marseille-Cote d’azur-Geneva. Who better to travel – a matter of taste; but if You are going for …

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Tatiana Navka told how to celebrate their wedding anniversary

instagram.com/tatiana_navka August 1, Tatiana Navka and press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said the anniversary — exactly a year ago, they were married in Sochi. instagram.com Beauty or ugly: Kate moss, Uma Thurman stars with an outstanding appearance “Wild rose”, “Simply Maria”, “Clone”: what became of the …

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Pregnant Ksenia Sobchak spoiled wine in France

Personastars Looks like a pregnant Ksenia Sobchak has finally gone on maternity leave. The first thing the TV presenter was visiting my mother Lyudmila Narusova in Riga. “When work ends, when the chief, the September issue dealt, #sochaczewie season is over, #beremennostej temporarily allowed in a #bagel new menu and …

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The use of chemical weapons in Aleppo could trigger U.S.

Syrian political analyst, told “Izvestia”, where the militants come from toxic substances and what are the goals of the terrorists using them Using ammunition with toxic substances in Aleppo, the so-called moderate opposition trying to sow panic among the civilian population, and also shows that they are ready to do …

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