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Hot! Glyuk’oza showed erotic photos with 43-year-old husband

instagram.com/chistyakova_ionova Every summer Natalia Ionova, known as Gluk’oza, resting with his family in Spain. This year was no exception: the singer, along with her husband Alexander Chistyakov, and daughters Lydia and Faith spends a vacation in Marbella. In Instagram the actress has already appeared a few seductive pictures and videos …

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Megan Fox gave birth to her third son

Legion Media According to the publication E!Nеws, August 4, Megan Fox (Megan Fox) gave birth to a third child. But this became known only now, the actress and her husband chose to hide this good news. It also became known that the boy was named Journey the river green. Megan …

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Clinton are irreversible ill

. Clinton are irreversible ill Something’s seriously wrong with the health of Hillary Clinton. Accompanying Hillary Clinton black guy who was seen with her repeatedly, was seen with benzodiazepinovym tranquilizer. Which usually be applicable in a number of honey. indications – small epileptic seizures, nervousness, withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism, …

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The state Duma intends to organize the work of realtors

Work realtors can be arranged legally. The state Duma will consider the draft law “On mediation (Agency) activities in the market of real estate transactions”. The document was submitted to Parliament in June this year. The cause of the bill was the work of the so-called “black realtors”. According to …

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Collectors want to know who has weapons

National Association of professional collection agencies (NAPCA) has asked the Federal bailiff service (FSSP) access to data on registered borrowers weapons, the newspaper “Izvestia”. Thus collectors want to access data of local departments of internal Affairs, where the FSSP sends requests to the Executive production, the newspaper writes. “The weapon …

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