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The Central Bank revoked the license of Gazstroibank

The Central Bank revoked the license of Gazstroibank that were included in the rating of credit organizations under the 335 number. The Bank was registered in Moscow under number 2919. The reason for such extreme measures are called high-risk credit policy of the Bank, who allowed the placement of customer …

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Vyborg-2016. These movies need to remember

Film festival in Vyborg has always held a special place in the system of such events. Not a secular party, but not a cabal for one and a half Directors and producers. City festival, but with half of the audience from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Why movies are different, and …

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The main thing in “the Movie”: a critique of the “suicide Squad” review of “the Secret life of Pets” and a new video of the painting “the Duelist”

In the traditional rubric “film Industry” tells about the most interesting site, “the Film About”. This time in our field of vision were: unflattering reviews of foreign critics on the most anticipated film of the year “suicide Squad”, a review of the cartoon “the secret life of Pets” that only …

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Sati Casanova explained why hides the 55-year-old fiance

Personastars Sati Kazanova carefully guards his personal life from outsiders, and we know little about her novels. Usually the singer goes out alone or in company of friends and colleagues. However, recently it became known that the singer was going to marry a 55-year-old President of the “Rosvodokanal” Alexander Shenkman. …

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56-year-old Larisa Verbitskaya showed slender legs in mini shorts

instagram.com/larisa_verbitskaya A Russian celebrity aged 50+ may not boast a less attractive figure than their younger colleagues. Thus, the 50-year-old singer Irina Saltykov showed a toned body on vacation in Italy. After her figure in the swimsuit showed 53-year-old Alena Sviridova. Now its merits and filed a 56-year-old TV presenter …

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Jihadists get new weapons USA

In the last days in Aleppo, the jihadists received a substantial supply of Western weapons to counter the offensive of Syrian government forces. This allowed the militants to grow stronger in some areas, where there was heavy fighting. Pro-government forces, apparently for tactical reasons, retreated. Government sources indicate that the …

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“My favorite girls”: Larisa Guzeeva showed a photo of a mother and daughter on vacation

instagram.com/lara_guzya Host of the “let’s get married!” Larisa Guzeeva infrequently indulges the admirers in Instagram photos, however, each new the artist becomes an occasion for heated discussion. Larissa recently showed subscribers how it looks at home. Barefoot actress without makeup and simple dress has roused the admiration of subscribers. Especially …

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