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Isolated part of Russia

Despite the fact that many of our citizens to travel to Russia not like in this region it is necessary to go necessarily. At least in order to see how he lives isolated from the rest of the country area. Geographic reference to the Baltic sea, to the historic German …

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Fans adored the photo of Ksenia Sobchak with a rounded belly

instagram.com A few months ago it became known that Ksenia Sobchak in position. Despite photo evidence, the Xenia was not told about the future of motherhood. The star wore large clothes and the journalists ‘ questions about pregnancy answered. Recently Ksenia decided not to hide their position. Celebrity has started …

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The world Bank has accused Ukraine of inhuman corruption

That Kiev is not able to master the funds provided, said all major creditors of Ukraine: the world Bank, the European Bank for reconstruction and development, European investment Bank, KfW and others. This was told by the senior Manager of portfolio of world Bank projects in Ukraine Klavdia Maksimenko to …

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Shoot and not be judged

How to use the “travmatiki” and not go to jail The use of traumatic weapons often leads to the dock — even if the owner tries to act strictly within the law. Experts explain this by the peculiarities of our self-defensive military law and the specifics of the weapons. “Travmatika” …

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