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Kalashnikov DUTY FREE

At the airport a gun Concern “Kalashnikov” opened the first retail outlet at Sheremetyevo airport. The company believes that it will allow to expand client base. Despite the fact that selling will be there only models of small arms, expert community criticize such a step. Looks like the first shop …

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Named the most popular in Instagram food

The hamburger became the most popular food, which publish photos users Instagram. This is with reference to the data of the startup Ashot Gabrelyanov Borsch reports video News Service. In the study, neural network is analyzed nine million photos of dishes, which this summer published in their accounts of users …

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145-year-old resident of Indonesia dreams of death

Recently it became known that the oldest inhabitant of the planet, which was 145 years old, lives in Indonesia. It is the old man named Mbah goto, which is confirmed by the officials of the country. According to the documents of Baha, he was born 31 Dec 1870. Throughout his …

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Named the best amusement parks in Europe

Ukrainian amusement Park was among the best in Europe.Central Park of culture and rest named after Maxim Gorky in Kharkiv took 16 th place in the ranking of the top 25 amusement parks in Europe by the travel portal TripAdvisor. “Fairytale in the city”, – said the Ukrainian monuments in …

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Ten reasons, which should visit Iceland

Harsh, but beautiful Iceland.Iceland is an island country with unique nature, comfortable small towns and lots of impressive attractions. No wonder such fantastic films as “Oblivion”, “interstellar” and “Prometheus” was shot here. If you have never been in this amazing country, be sure to visit her. 1. Blue lagoon.World-famous geothermal …

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Broken mirror “Deutsche Bank”

It seems that on the background of long-term troubles, our famous financial institution suddenly had a very bad luck a broken mirror. We are talking about the scandal with the so-called mirror transactions on the Moscow – London. Tell this fantastic scheme simple, so as not to lull the reader’s …

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