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Kalashnikov has started tests of the newest sniper rifles SVK

Tests of the latest compact sniper rifle SVK initiated by concern “Kalashnikov”. The rifle will be used by the Russian special forces in two ways: under the domestic and NATO cartridges, reports “Interfax” with reference to press center of the concern. “Currently, the prototype rifles are factory tested. In the …

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Found a way to eat a lot and lose weight

American scientists have found under which conditions are important for the body beige fat is converted into less useful white. In the future this eliminates restrictions in food intake and not gain excess body weight. A study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, briefly about it reports the edition EurekAlert! …

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The CPS advised to throw out the poisonous mushrooms

The CPS has published guidelines for picking mushrooms and eating them for food. On Thursday, August 25, reports the Agency “Moscow” with reference to the press service of the Ministry. In particular, to avoid poisoning, it is important to collect only the familiar types of mushrooms. “Dispose of all worm-eaten, …

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The best amusement parks in the world

Considering reviews and user ratings, online service for travel planning, TripAdvisor has ranked the best amusement parks in the world. The best theme and universal theme parks, you can visit the world of the Hulk and Harry Potter, feel like the ruler of the fairy Kingdom, to witness the aquatic …

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The most amazing pools in the hotels of the world

Identified 14 of the most incredible pools in hotels around the world. The American edition of Business Insider, in conjunction with popular service for online booking hotels Hotels have made a rating of the most impressive swimming pools at the hotels. “Some choose hotels for luxury interior rooms, while others …

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