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Who bought America

Ten people who actually belong of the earth US The ten largest private landowners, the US — businessmen, billionaires and philanthropists. They bond to their lands of thousands of hectares of land every year. Some are interested in income, others concerned about the fate of the planet and the environment, …

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Power to the horns

Maybe, for hunters of Siberia, and the extraction of antlers is not something special, but for the hunters of the Middle band is truly exotic. Basically, they can’t drive for antlers, and trophies in the form of prominent horns and stuffed. Antlers anciently valued by Siberian hunters even more expensive …

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On Kuban the plane poured chemicals on houses and gardens

Near the hamlet of White in the Leningrad district of the Krasnodar region small aircraft, spraying the fields, poured the chemicals on the house and the gardens of local residents, reports “RG”. The accident killed the orchards seedlings and vegetables. Agent which is sprayed the plane was intended to stop …

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