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Russia is not peeled from the raw material of needle

The commodity vector in the Russian economy in the two years of the crisis not only maintained its dominant position, but strengthened, despite the fall in dollar export revenues. This opinion was expressed by analysts of the Center of development of the Higher school of Economics (HSE). “Two years since …

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War of the elites in Primorye

3 June Basmanny court placed delivered from Vladivostok mayor Igor Pushkarev to two months in jail. He is charged with abuse of office and commercial bribery. According to investigators, in the period of 2009-2014 Pushkarev “from mercenary or other personal interest” organized the acquisition of the MUPV “Roads of Vladivostok” …

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Rockets fired at airport the largest city of Southeast Turkey

Photo: Wikipedia Airport Diyarbakir, the largest city in the Southeast of Turkey was late in the evening on Saturday, August 27, fired missiles, reports Reuters. Four missiles were fired at a police checkpoint. Passengers and employees took refuge in the terminal building. The rocket landed in a vacant lot nearby. …

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In the village of don shepherd killed a baby

In the Rostov region the dog to death killed the young girl, according to the website of the investigative Committee of Russia in the region. According to investigators, on Friday, August 26, one of the houses in the village of Baklanovskoye Dubovskoy area 56-the summer local resident was left unattended …

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11 of the most incredible lifts in the world

Sometimes the path to the destination much more interesting place where you traveled.Why take the stairs when you can take a lift and enjoy the amazing views of the huge aquarium, for example, or a high rock.Here are the most amazing elevators around the world can make your head spin:Lift …

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Scientists managed to create graphene “artificial atom”

The electrons enclosed in “jail” tiny quantum traps, behave quite differently than their free counterparts. They can only be at specific energy levels (quantum States), like the electron shells of the atom, for this reason, these electronic traps called artificial atoms. These artificial atoms, in turn, have a number of …

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