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Sergey Bezrukov shared his first selfie with his wife

instagram.com July 4, in the family of Sergei Bezrukov recharge occurred: the wife of actor, stage Director Anna matison, gave birth to a daughter they named Mary. Almost two months the parents and the baby held in the city recently, however, Anna and Sergey came back from vacation and again …

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Russian children becoming shorter and weaker

Scientists from the Russian research center found that today’s students in Russia is physically degraded with respect to their peers of the 70-ies of the last century.     © Konstantin Chalabov/RIA Novosti Researchers from the Scientific centre of children health RAMS argue that modern children born in the last …

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Marat Basharov for the first time showed the son

facebook.com This summer in the family of Marat Basharova recharge occurred: the beloved actor Elizabeth Shevarkov bore him a son. The boy was the second child of an artist — from a previous Union with Elizabeth Crocco Marat is 11-year-old daughter Amelie. The heir of the actor appeared in one …

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The bollywood star refused the good life and became a nun

instagram.com Bollywood star Sofia Hayat recently radically changed his own life. Model and actress, cool novels with a burning handsome and drowning in luxury, suddenly decided to drop everything and enter a monastery. East News Now her name is Gaia Sophia and yesterday’s playgirl spends five hours a day in …

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