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Chinese special forces are trained in Chechnya

Assistant of the head of Chechnya on security Daniil Martynov reports that interest in the special training of security forces on the territory of spetstsentr in the Czech Republic show several countries. Among them – Belarus, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates and people’s Republic of China. According to Martynov, in …

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Egor Krid showed beautiful sister Pauline

instagram.com/egorkreed Fans of Yegor creed know that he is not the only child in the family: the musician is the older sister Polina Bulatkina. The girl lives in America and works as an actress and a producer. Photos of Pauline rarely can be seen in Instagram Yegor, but recently he …

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American students were allowed to go to school with a gun

The Supreme court of Minnesota decided to allow pupils to bring a weapon to school, on the condition that they will not use it. Previously, students caught with a weapon were subject to severe punishment including expulsion. Now the new rules will provide students legal protection. According to the court, …

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On the Volgograd prospectus collapsed wall of the building

Partial collapse of the building occurred on the territory of the former automobile plant named after Lenin Komsomol (AZLK) at the Volgograd Prospekt in the capital. About the Agency “Moscow” said a source in the emergency services. The “day of 7 September on the territory of the AZLK on the …

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To Russia on vacation with the whole family going?

the <small> </small> For me, Russia is one of the most amazing places in the world: 12 time zones, mysterious expanses of unmatched natural beauty, turbulent history and literary heritage, which will provide you with wonderful reading for life. I travel to Russia 1980-ies, more than a dozen years of …

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Lovozero — a tale of the North

Somehow, in the summer most people go on vacation to the South. This for me has always been a mystery. What could be better than vacationing in the North. Harsh, beautiful nature, clean rivers and lakes, the same heat. I’ve always wanted to go Holy for the Sami, seidozero, so …

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Ksenia Borodina increase hair and disappointed fans

instagram.com/borodylia Ksenia Borodina continues to experiment with hair: the presenter recently got a haircut and became a blonde with a cool tinge. instagram.com/borodylia This transformation is not over. Looks like she used to long hair, so after a few days increased their strands. Many fans Borodina her new hairstyle came …

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