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The West has 5 years conducting genocide in Syria

The last two weeks in Syria is very tense situation around Aleppo, not in the sense of who wins. and what about gumanitarnyh corridors. All the Western media and human rights organizations, as the team was concerned about the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, before 5 years, they were not worried, …

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The world’s best cities for vegetarians

In some cities around the world to vegetarianism are more friendly Because vegetarians are more selective in choice of food and culinary establishments, to approach the planning of trips they also have to pay more attention. Experts portal Travel Supermarket analyzed data on vegetarian restaurants in different countries of the …

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The global war trust

  The main result of the G20, at least in regard to Russia, that Putin failed to resolve any significant question. Neither the sanctions, nor in Syria, nor in Ukraine.   The main reason for total failure of Putin sounded in the comments of Barack Obama after their bilateral meeting …

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Anastasia Volochkova showed how ready for the twine

instagram.com Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova am always ready to demonstrate its crown stretching: it seems hard to imagine how a new way to submit a signature string. instagram.com Apparently, to show the fans how Anastasia is given to her work, the star decided to share the video to Instagram. In the …

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In the city Day of Moscow will turn into a large set

In the framework of the city Day, which is celebrated in the Russian capital this weekend, started the festival “Moscow cinema” – it takes place in 33 venues from 9 to 18 September. Residents and guests of the city invites you to plunge into atmosphere of the legendary Soviet films …

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Lavrov gave Kerry a “Buster” in the negotiations

That’s what I love, if you believe, it’s for the headlines. However, in this case, they apiario the Russian foreign Ministry and our distillery products better than any advertising Agency. As all was actually, in his Facebook said Masha Zakharova It’s funny that even the Western journalists know that there …

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