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Bitter foods, which is good for the health

Горькие продукты, от которых большая польза для здоровьяTheir benefits are undeniable.

You haven’t turned bitter foods in your diet? Then I advise you to revise it. It is better to eat grapefruit for liver health than to eat another sweet roll. Here are six products that must be you in the kitchen.

1. Radish
Radish contains useful organic acids, mineral salts, vitamins, enzymes, volatile, essential oils, proteins and amino acids. It improves metabolism, increases immunity, helps digestion, is a natural analogue of broad-spectrum antibiotic, eliminates excess fluid from the body.

2. Hell
Horseradish radish is not uniquely sweeter and use it less. Like its close relative, has almost the same set of positive qualities, also has bactericidal and antiseptic effect. Daily skin rubbing horseradish juice can be get rid of freckles.

3. Mustard
Another relative. On the action is almost similar to a radish and horseradish, but also used in diseases of the nervous system, from the nervous excitement and neuritis of the sciatic nerve to hysteria.

4. Grapefruit
Grapefruit contains natural fat burners – Inositol and pectin, improves appetite, helps digestion and activates activity of the liver. In addition, it normalizes the blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, tones up nervous system, helps overcome apathy, sharpens memory and attention fatigue.

5. Coffee to prevent diabetes
Scientists have proven that coffee contains antioxidants that prevent type II diabetes and liver cancer. Coffee also helps cope with stress, stimulates the respiratory center of the brain, thereby helping to cope with asthma attacks, displays the body of cholesterol. Contraindications: diseases of the cardiovascular system

6. Dark chocolate
Scientists have proved that about 60 g dark chocolate prevent the narrowing and hardening of the arteries, improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots. In addition, caffeine and theobromine contained in a bitter delicacy, encourage efficiency and creative activity of man to help with increased loads.

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