Home / Business / Snack to beer and wine offered to take under protection of UNESCO

Snack to beer and wine offered to take under protection of UNESCO

Закуску к пиву и вину предложили взять под защиту ЮНЕСКО

Acting Minister of education and culture of Spain, Inigo Mendez de Vigo suggested to include the country’s traditional tapas in the world heritage list of UNESCO. It is reported by the newspaper El Mundo.

With this proposal, the official appealed to the UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova. According to méndez de Vigo, originally, tapas was just Spanish dish, and then became “something universal”.

“Go to any corner of the world, order tapas and you’ll know exactly what kind of dish you will be served”, — said the Minister. On the reaction of UNESCO to this offer while is unknown.

Tapas — snacks served in the bar to beer or wine. It can be as nuts or chips and full meals like grilled pork. Institutions in some regions of the Spanish tapas are always included in the price of the drink.

Spain ranks third in the world in the number of objects included in the list of world heritage sites (44). In the first place according to this criterion, Italy (51), followed by China (48).

In the world heritage list comprises natural or man-made objects which, in the opinion of the representatives of UNESCO, need to be protected because of their special significance.

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