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How to avoid dehydration – effective measures

Как избежать обезвоживания организма - действенные мерыThe doctors said that happens to those who do not drink the water, and they also talked about the prevention of dehydration.

Lack of fluid in the body leads to serious disturbances, inflammatory processes, and even diseases. Did you know that a shortage of liquid she extracted from the blood, the intercellular space and from the cells? Indeed it is and this process can provoke such side effects:

– collection of excess body weight, obesity, swelling;

– weakness, chronic fatigue, premature aging;

– reduction of protective functions of the organism, which leads to frequent infection viral infections and not only;

– hypertension, blockage of capillaries, and in the future this could even cause a heart attack.

How to avoid dehydration:

1. Drink water during physical activity. Experts say that the body can’t efficiently get rid of fat cells when it is dehydrated.

2. To abandon the use of alcoholic beverages. We all know that alcohol is a good diuretic, but in this case he harms the kidneys and overall health.

3. To stop being nervous over nothing. Often the people themselves invent problems and fall into stress. And at this point, the brain sends a signal for secretion of aldosterone (hormone), which causes the loss of body fluids.

4. Preferring a low-carb diet need to increase the amount of water consumed, otherwise dehydration can not be avoided.

5. Drink more water in the case when the doctor has prescribed drug for the treatment of, e.g. hypertension, with diuretic properties.

6. Diabetes or just elevated blood glucose, doctors recommend to drink 0.5 liters of water, more than normal.

7. In winter, autumn and spring, when there is an obvious shortage of fresh vegetables and fruits containing plenty of fluids, you should drink plenty of water to keep your body.

8. Women, pay attention to the drinking regime, because during menstruation, their body loses a lot of fluid. A week before the onset of menstruation experts advise to increase the number of glasses of water a woman should drink per day at least 2-3.

9. To avoid swelling and dehydration during pregnancy, the future mom should drink at least one and a half liters of water a day, and even better, if her doctor will consider and decide on the exact volume of water in liters that she will have to drink.

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