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U.S. elections: first arrests for fraud

Выборы в США: первые аресты за махинацииArrested three people.

Police in the American States Virginia and Florida have arrested three people on charges of fraud during the procedure, early elections of the President of the United States. So, in Florida arrested two women.

74-year-old employee of the polling station, Lagos, Coega accused of deliberately wrong design of electoral documents. Another woman Tomica Korgel is accused of making five votes for the dead during the early voting.

Police also detained an African American Vafaly of Massaki in Virginia that “registered voters who do not even exist.” He faces imprisonment up to 40 years.

The TV channel notes that Virginia and Florida are the key States where there is no obvious advantage the candidate in US presidents from Republican party of Donald trump and his opponent from the Democratic party Hillary Clinton.

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