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The activists refused to be considered a crime forcing children to veganism

Активисты отказались считать преступлением принуждение детей к веганству

The international Union for the protection of the rights of vegans (The International Vegan Rights Alliance) called the draft discriminatory Italian law, which provides criminal liability for parents for forcing children to veganism. On Tuesday, August 16, reports The Independent.

The activists said that the initiative by Italian MP from the party “Forward, Italy!” (Forza Italiа) Elvira Savino violates human rights. According to them, the author of the law does not respect the principles of ethical veganism and interprets it as inadequate diet imposed on children by parents. We offer you to focus on the broader questions designed to provide children with normal and high quality food,” — said in a statement.

On 9 August it became known that Savino offered to amend the criminal code amendments providing for up to four years in prison for parents who force children to a vegan diet. In her opinion, such a diet leads to various diseases because a growing child’s body loses iron, zinc and vitamins.

Opportunity to make hard changes to the law became more important cases. In July of this year in one of the hospitals of Milan, was delivered to 14-month-old boy weighing as a three-month baby. He was diagnosed with acute calcium deficiency. In another case, a two-year-old girl spent several days in intensive care due to deficiencies that are thought to have been caused by a vegetarian diet.

Vegan is the most strict form of vegetarianism. Followers of this diet, eliminate from your diet all products of animal origin — meat, fish, eggs, milk (excluding human breast milk for infants), as well as dairy products from raw materials of animal origin.

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