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It became known, what will be the IPhone 8

Стало известно, каким будет IPhone 8 The iPhone 8 may appear OLED display from the main Apple supplier Foxconn.

This is the conclusion reached by experts after Sharp agreed to help the brand. The factory manual notes that due to the use of technology from a reputable manufacturer displays, Apple will be able to create a unique smartphone with a low energopotreblyaemost.

To realize this by the time of the announcement of the iPhone 7 will not succeed, so the experts are sure that next year, the new version will get OLED displays. Innovative screens differ from their counterparts by being able to highlight only the brighter pixels. Due to this, the efficiency only increases, because the battery is almost not consumed.

The developers guarantee that smartphones with this technology are able to serve 25% more counterparts. In addition, the viewing angles remain the same as AMOLED, which are common among models of the brand Samsung. Foxconn considers it rational to use the services more available models than to work again with the brands LG or Samsung.

Users have long said that would not buy “apples”, if they will not do something new. Application of such type of screens are acceptable even with 4K resolution, focus of the developers. Therefore, it remains only to wait when they show up in the iPhone 8.

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