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The consequences of Brexit: battle for Gibraltar

Последствия Brexit: Начинается борьба за Гибралтар

Yet not everyone in the EU and in the UK, has realized the consequences of Brexit, and they can be very unexpected and hot. One of these “hot spots” may well be Gibraltar, which has long been a subject of dispute between Spain and the United Kingdom.

The situation is compounded by the fact that Spain and great Britain consider Gibraltar their ancestral territory. The strip of land at the tip of the Iberian Peninsula with an area of 6.5 km 2, with a population of 30 thousand people, became a British overseas territory 300 years ago, the war of the Spanish succession.

Immediately after the Brexit, Spain decided that she can have a good opportunity to assert their claims to Gibraltar. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Spain Jose Manuel Garcia-margallo suggested the UK to share control of the disputed territory. The Consequences Of Brexit:

Последствия Brexit: Начинается борьба за Гибралтар

Battle for Gibraltar, Spain offers the formula of “sovereignty under two flags,” and even threatens the UK the fact that after the exit from the EU, all contracts about the status of Gibraltar will lapse. Confidence the Spanish side give it the results of a referendum on British exit from the EU, in which the residents of Gibraltar voted against this decision. Gibraltarians, most of whom work in Spanish territory, want to continue to have access to the single EU market and to enjoy all the benefits of his position.

What is the answer London for these claims? According to the former adviser of the Ministry of defence Her Majesty’s Luke Coffey, the UK could send in Gibraltar their warships and to demonstrate the power. This development could be very likely if Spain will categorically insist on the resolution of this territorial dispute.

Of course, that Britain never voluntarily abandon its naval base and control over the Strait of Gibraltar, connecting the Mediterranean sea with the Atlantic. Recently in Gibraltar, a British submarine collided with a Spanish merchant vessel, and sustained minor damage.

This case may be only a prelude to a future worsening of relations between the two NATO members. Europe is not tired to break down stereotypes about the unity of opinions in the EU and NATO.

What kind of unity can there be if the countries of the Alliance are only to saber weapons to each other.


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