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In Texas, students were allowed to go to school with guns

В Техасе студентам разрешили ходить на учебу с оружием

In the us state of Texas, students over 21 were allowed to bring firearms to campuses and universities. Reported by the Associated Press.

While openly carrying a weapon and come with him to sporting events and in the laboratory is still prohibited.

The law came into force on 1 August — the day of the 50th anniversary of the shooting at the University of Texas at Austin. Then 25-year-old sniper Charles Whitman, a trained marine, barricaded himself at the top of a 27-storey tower at the University and began a rifle to shoot people on the street. In the result, 17 people were killed, another 32 were injured.

Against carrying weapons in the University building was made by many teachers, students and civil society activists. Among them Claire Wilson James in 1966 she became the first person Whitman shot. Then the woman was pregnant. The sniper’s bullet hit her in the stomach, causing unborn child died.

The right of U.S. citizens to keep and bear arms guarantee of the second amendment to the Constitution of the country. While both supporters and opponents of this initiative appeal to statistics: the first with its help prove that the free circulation of firearms provoke the growth of crime, the latter, on the contrary, convinced that the possession of guns makes life safer.

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