Home / Medicine / 60 seconds: how to get rid of bloating at home

60 seconds: how to get rid of bloating at home

За 60 секунд: как избавиться от вздутия живота в домашних условияхBloating – bloating that is evident in the increase in the size of the stomach, bursting from the inside, and sometimes pain.

An incredible recipe that will relieve you from bloating and help you lose weight.

The bloating is becoming more and more common problem among people of all ages. It gives a terrible sense of discomfort.

Although there are many theories about how to get rid of bloating treatment for this problem is actually quite simple. Known nutritionist, Cynthia Sass found the recipe for a tonic that will help you to get rid of bloating in no time.

This drink will help you burn excess fat and become a source of huge amount of nutrients, just need to drink it every day.


2 liters of water

12 small mint leaves

1 teaspoon. grated ginger

1 middle size lemon, sliced finely

1 medium size cucumber, peeled and finely chopped


In pitcher, combine all ingredients. Allow to steep for one hour. Now you can drink 8-10 glasses a day. Drinking plain water is optional because this drink replaces it with good.Go to the Main page

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