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10 cancer symptoms: signals that cannot be ignored

10 симптомов рака: сигналы, которые нельзя игнорироватьEvery year from cancer worldwide die about 4 million men and 3 million women.

Usually, cancer does not give any signs in the early stages. In fact, most species of this life-threatening disease are found only in the later stages of development.

In this article, we’d like to tell you about the most common signs of cancer that will help to protect you from fatal consequences.

1) Nodules under the skin.

The most important areas include the Breasts, testicles, armpits, throat, belly, and other soft tissues. If touching these areas, you will find something unusual you should consult your doctor. Repeatedly performing a self-test may help you identify changes before they have time to develop into larger tumors.

2) Change in bowel habits.

Any change in stool such as blood, pain during bowel movements, lighter or darker color of stools, constipation or diarrhea, all of this “red alert”, and you need to immediately consult a doctor. These changes are often indicators of colorectal cancer.

3) Loss of appetite or trouble swallowing.

Any digestive discomfort should be discussed with a doctor, as this inhibits the absorption of nutrients inside your body.

4) White blisters in the mouth or on the tongue.

White blisters in the mouth, on the gums or on the tongue and throat in need of immediate medical care.

5) the Bleeding.

Any bleeding (excluding menstrual cycle) is cause for concern. In addition, blood from the nipples and uterus should be discussed with your doctor without delay.

6) Cough.

If you put aside the cold and flu, cough can also be caused by a cancer that develops in the lungs, esophagus, throat and even stomach.

7) Wounds that do not heal.

If cuts or sores too long to heal, it can also be a symptom of cancer. In this case, the immune system gives priority to the fight against cancer, so healing is slow.

8) Changes in the voice.

Laryngeal cancer can often lead to changes in tone of your voice.

9) Changes in urinating.

As changes in the stool, any change relating to your urine color, odor, or jets should be discussed with a specialist.

10) Itching of the skin.

As the body fights cancer, as with bacteria, the immune system to destroy it reacts with white blood cells. That is why the blood circulation is increasing in the area where the cancer cells grow, causing the skin feels warm, tight, itchy, and turn red.

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